May 2014
Laura, the daughter of MacArthur Park Lutheran Church member Paul Halvorson, was selected as Ms Wheelchair Texas 2014. She will next compete for the Ms Wheelchair USA 2015 title in Long Beach, California the first week of August. Interested individuals can go to Facebook at and “like” the event.
Mac Park Youth Ministry Worker Brandi Wells was named “Texas Lutheran University Student of the Year for 2014." She was honored at the TLU Spring Fling and received a plaque.
Since she was an activist in college, it was no surprise that church member Jeanette Pierce volunteered to help citizens apply for insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act at the Alamodome on March 30. Her husband George Pierce also helped.
When the Mac Pac Grace Group used one of the Taking Faith Home lessons that asked about members’ nicknames, the group learned Leigh Anne Seitter’s nickname is “Lano” because her younger brother couldn’t say her name when he was little. Her nickname is the basis of her email address. Sharon Nunn was called “Tater” due to her love of potatoes, and Jim Price was called “Beaver” by his dad referring to the Red Ryder radio program.