May, June and July 2019
· Making a stewardship pledge is very helpful to the Finance Committee as it prepares the spending plan for MacArthur Park Lutheran Church for 2019-2020 financial year. Just as in family finance, knowing what income is coming in helps to better plan for the year.
· The MacArthur Park Lutheran Church and School financial year runs from Sept. 1-Aug. 31.
· Congregation members can provide fresh flowers for the sanctuary for church services. There is a signup poster by the sanctuary entrance. Another option is to make a donation and use silk arrangements belonging to the church. In either case, a notation in the bulletin will be made in honor of or in memory of the event or person being celebrated.
· Congregation members need to notify the church office of hospitalizations. The hospitals do not make such notifications.
· If you or your group uses the church buildings, remember to lock all doors when you leave.
· At MacArthur Park Lutheran Church, congregation members and friends of the church will have many opportunities to make donations of money or items to help others, but you get to choosewhich causes to support.
· The Easter breakfast was a fundraiser for the youth that brought in $320.